Sunday, March 18, 2018

World View

What is a world view and why does it matter?
World view from my understanding is the lens through which you look at the world. Might be overly simplified but it works for my purposes.
I first encountered the idea of world view over 30 years ago at a weekend conf. for Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. A young woman I didn't know other then by reputation gave a short workshop on world view called "Breaking Your Candy Bar in the right places" It was really about making sure you really looked at life through a Christian world view. She used a Hershey's bar for the illustration.
One long half would be your Christianity the other long half all the things your life is made up of.
At that time for most of us it was school, work, recreation that were the big ones. Now it would be family, vocation, recreation, and stewardship in a broad sense.  We can break our candy bar down the middle and have our Christianity be one part of who we are but our day to day life be separate from that, or break it into short chunks where or Christianity influences all of our day to day life.

Currently I am reading the book "When Helping Hurts"written by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett. It is about poverty alleviation and why it sometimes hurts more then it helps. It has a lot to do with fixing broken people and their broken view of the world and enabling them to become the people God made them to be.

When we go to Malawi we will be going to a very materially poor country. I want to make sure any thing I do to help people is really helpful. It has become apparent that no matter what I offer to someone it is important to transparently communicate the role of God and Christ in all provision and all aspects of life and to teach them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by an all powerful and loving God.

On a completely different note it seems my knee replacement is completely successful. I am able to use the new knee more each day and my range of motion continues to improve.