Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Packing up the Dreams God's Planted

The above is a line from the Micheal W. Smith hit "Friends". Probably dates me a bit but it seems fitting.
I have had a huge break from writing my blogs and it seems time to get back to it.
So much of our life right know consists of packing up our life here in Bismarck. This has been and continues to be a challenge for us as we are both "keepers" by nature and I am a collector.
Saw a note on facebook today that suggested everyone will have a box of cords and cables by age 35 that they are unsure of the origin of but are saving because the might need them someday. I guess we are past someday and we are also well past 35 and all those cables really do have to go now. So we had the great American Garage Sale and now we pack stuff in boxes and haul to a local independent thrift store which does some good work in our area. Those boxes contain dreams from days past. However with each box we get closer to our dream for our future.
We are taking a class right now called "Perspectives of the Modern Christian Movement". If you want to be motivated toward world missions or just learn more about rational and calling for/to missions this would be a great course for you to take. It's available online and it will challenge you. We have looked at verses that show God's plan to bless and redeem the whole world from Genesis and on through the old testament, we have looked at God's desire to be glorified by people from every tongue, tribe and nation, and the variety of worship styles and ways that different cultures will use to glorify God and how that is part of his desire. For me the content of this class has helped cement my understanding of missions and my calling,
So soon, it gets sooner every day we will be packing up those future dreams and taking them with us to Blantyre Malawi.
Our schedule the next couple of months is pretty hectic. We are finalizing preparation of our home for sale, a market analysis is in progress, and it will go on the market next week.
Wed. June 6th is Ted's official retirement date.
We have a weekend trip to Ted's home town, Langdon, or the Langdon area next weekend. Then midway through the next week we leave to go visiting and head to Toronto to take a class called IMPACT which is designed to teach us how to enter a new culture well. We will visit some again on the way back and have a couple weeks at home before we fly to Charlotte, NC for our final required SIM training. That is done August 1 but we plan to spend extra time at the headquarters of SIM to get some computer training on how to use their software.
At that point we should be ready to embark to Malawi. Our actual departure date will depend on the processing or our Temporary Employment Permits. Those being acquired will be the green light to travel.
If you have time to pray for our diligence and perseverance and for the processing of our paper work by the Malawi Government we greatly covet that.