Sunday, January 21, 2018

Starting an Adventure

Last week my husband and I attended SIM go.
So what exactly is that? You might ask.
SIM is a mission organization we have chosen to join.
We are in preparation to transition our lives to Blantyre Malawi.

A few things about SIM. SIM was founded in 1893 as Sudan Interior Mission. They have had a few name changes over the years as they have grown and spread in their focus from the Sudan to 6 Continents and over 70 countries. At this point in many parts of the world the letters SIM mean serving in missions. Here in the United States it's just SIM. Check out their website at We are personally encouraged by their motto "By Prayer"

Malawi is a small African country, similar in size to the state of Pennsylvania. The population is near 18.5 million. 47 % of the population is under age 15. Those numbers illustrate the fact that Malawi was hard hit by HIV/AIDs and Malawi continues to be affected by HIV/AIDS. Malawi has consistently been of the list of the worlds ten poorest counties for the past several years. I have seen listings showing Malawi anywhere from 3rd poorest to 7th poorest. Poverty is a way of life. The Malawian Kwatcha exchanges at about 700 Kwatcha to one American dollar. Despite the poverty Malawi calls herself the warm heart of Africa.

Looking back on my 6 weeks in Malawi summer 2016 there are things that stand out to me. Bales of donated clothing most likely from the US are purchased by nationals and sold in large markets. Vegetables are piled in stacks and sold on the road side. One of the teachers working at Rafiki where I was serving said teachers could find jobs that offered housing but were asked to work for 6 months before they would receive a salary. Not a feasible thing. One of the missionaries there said that one could get by on a thousand Malawian Kwatcha a day if they were frugal. Ladies carrying and selling bananas could make that if they had access to bananas to sell. Ladies wear their hair in beautiful intricate braids and value having their hair braided over many more essential things. I hope those statements bring a picture to mind. But I am attaching a few favorite pics so you can see with your eyes as well.

Malawi statistics taken from Global Road Warrior Malawi Country Profile, 1/21/2018

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