Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Gecko's and Books

So I have been reading a book out loud to the form 1 aka grade 9 students. It is titled "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself. Vol 1. I." It is quite and amazing story with a horrendous vocabulary. I have been trying to inspire students to use more colorful words in their writing. This guy needed no inspiration, lots of 5 dollar words. Normally I say quarter words but these are beyond that.
I am quite inspired that this mostly self taught man at least to the point we have covered in class could come to write such a grammatically involved and vocabulary rich work. 
Yesterday when I got home from bible study I turned on the light in my bathroom and there was my resident gecko darting toward the top of my shower. I screamed quite impressively if I do say so myself. Repeated the scream again an hour later when he dashed about again when I turned on the light. I have now named him Gustavus Vassa, or Gus for short. He seems to like it here and while I am not in love with the idea of having a house gecko, I do realize that they eat mosquitos, therefore I put up with him. I am thankful that he is a soft orange in color and only about 4 inches long. 
There are a variety of lizards and geckos around. Some are striped and move very very fast. Some have blue heads and like to sun themselves.
I am glad I haven't seen as many spiders as geckos. I read some paragraphs in a book today about spiders and it said that all spiders bite and are venomous to a degree. Most are not venomous enough to harm a person but with the size of the spiders around here I don't want to take any chances.
The books in this village are getting close to being completely inventoried. After the better part of 6 hours of entering data in excel I digressed to read about the spiders.
I have been hear a full month now and I actually know most of the kids by name and have an idea of what to expect from many of them. They are delightful and a piece or two of my heart will stay here when I leave.

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