Thursday, July 28, 2016

Some things about technology and difficulties it creates

I am reading a very advanced book "Olaudah Equinus or Gustavus Vassa the African" aloud in form one or ninth grade. Would love to be able to bring in some power point images to explain what warships in the 1700's were like, Pics of actual slave quarters, and maps to enrich the class room experience. However that is not available in Malawi.
I was told before coming that electricity was often sporadic but today was only the 3rd day since I have been here that we have had power outages. So no light in form one today. I was glad it was sunny outside so not to dark in the classroom.
The internet seems to work on it's own plan here. It goes on and off quite regularly in the middle of page loads. Some days it will upload photos other days I get repeated errors. I am truly thankful that it is available at all. It allows my to have audio skype dates with my husband. Generally they are interrupted several times as the wireless connection resets but so much better then only email or without internet there wouldn't even be that.
At home everything in my library is automated. Nothing is automated here. I am attempting to create an accurate data base of the collection here mostly by hand. There is an isbn barcode scanner and my husband out of his great kindness is running the scans I can acquire through a program at home and sending them back to me! However about 1/3 of the books either have no isbn barcode or it has been obliterated in some way so there are still many many books to enter by hand.
Books are precious here. Many volumes are in poor condition but continue to be used. Many are old cast off books from libraries in the states that have seen extended service here in the village school libraries. Reality is everyone in the village is greatful to have books. The children do not have access to television or video entertainment. They do not have phones or computers. Books are truly their passage to other places. They also play outside a lot more then anyone in the states. This seems very positive!!!

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