Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What time is it?

The past 10 days we have been in Cambridge Ontario.
We are taking a class about entering a new culture.
We have talked about a lot of things. We talked about being settled, becoming unsettled, going through stages of acclimation and settling again.
We have talked about how you feel moving into a new culture.
We have talked about how you feel coming home again. Your culture changes overseas.
We have talked about needing to say goodbyes.
So where does that leave us now? What time is it?

We should be on the ground in Malawi in less then 3 months. That is fast.
We are here in Ontario for 4 more days and spending the weekend with my sister north of Chicago.
We will be home in our house only 13-15 days before we close and head to Charlotte for  more training. After that we have 5 weeks of basically doing some reading and planning and spending time with our kids and say good byes to those we wont see for a long time.

It's been a thoughtful time the past week +. We have been busy getting through our home and preparing it for sale. I have been trying to figure out what  to do with the rest of the stuff in our home. So much food, and now the remaining "stuff" that got tossed in closets has to be cleared out. What I have realized is that I have worked hard on getting physically ready to leave, I have done the required things for training, spiritually and mentally. I have a few books left to work through but it's coming. Mostly I am realizing that I have prepared physically to leave and to arrive in Malawi, but I have only prepared spiritually and emotionally to arrive in Malawi and have not gotten ready to leave emotionally. I have only thought about missing my children and precious grand baby. I haven't really thought that much about leaving familiar people/church/food/life.

I am guessing I have to figure out how to say goodbye and get my feelings of grief about what I am leaving behind processed so I will be ready to engage in my new home and culture.

1 comment:

  1. Lori,
    I am thankful that we'll be able to follow yours and Ted's new chapter in Malawi. We'll be keeping both of you in our prayers. Tell Ted that we were just lamenting that now we'll have to rely on our GPS for our Coordinating Council trip. All the best as you prepare to leave and begin anew, Mary Soucie
