Monday, September 10, 2018

Expectations Refined

Today it is great to know we have airline tickets reserved!
It is great to know that electricity is on a 4 hour rotating outage schedule!
It is great to know I can purchase the meds I need in Blantyre Malawi!
It is great to know that some sort of exercise facility is available in the area!
The leaders of the SIM Malawi team have a house for us to live in!

In other words their are many amazing pieces of information we have acquired of late.
Many questions still remain.
What will our house look like? How many creepy crawlies will be able to get in to it to live with me?
Will there be some furnishings in it or will we start completely from scratch?

While there are quite a few things we don't know we have seen God provide through the quick sale of our home, safety in our random travels, timely processing of our Temporary employment permit, and some great times of fellowship with family, friends and relations. We continue to believe we are called to this ministry and that God is in control.

At this point we have been living out of suitcases for over a month. I feel like my clothes are always a mess from being packed and unpacked and tossed around what ever room we are staying in. The idea of a dresser and a closet that my clothing can be hung and stored in seems like a luxury. It is good that I am starting to long for and appreciate simple things as we move forward, knowing that our lifestyle will be much simpler in Malawi.

We spent some time in Colorado enjoying the beauty of Gods Creation. This is a picture from what seemed like the top of the world. It was a good reminder that if God could create these majestic mountains and the many and varied things we saw he can surely handle my life.

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