Thursday, May 30, 2013


That is a dramatic title but this time it's true.
My Dr. decided that Malarone was the best malaria prophalactic to take while in Ethiopia.
Hadn't taken this before. Last time it was a once a week pill.
You start taking it 1 - 2 days prior to exposure. I will reach the exposure area late Saturday night and that is in Addis Ababa so not much risk but I still decided today was the day to start.
I am so very thankful I did take one today. My late afternoon I wasn't feeling just right and than I started to feel flushed and tingly and than I looked pretty much like I had a bad sunburn.
Long story shortened I am allergic to this drug. So . . .
I am VERY thankful the I know the Martin's because one call to their house got me a new prescription for a new drug and I can still leave on time tomorrow morning and see Emily and Andrew before I take off. I am also convinced right now that Benedryl is a wonderful thing.
On a brighter note I am pretty much packed and my bags are underweight limits so I can still stick in a few goodies, such as American peanut butter and some construction paper. I have time to look at a few details yet. Life is good; God is good.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Yellow Fever

This morning I received an email regarding a travel alert about a yellow fever outbreak in the South Omo area of Ethiopia. Yellow Fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitos and as I have received the vaccination I should be immune. However this news does raise travel concerns in my mind.
Countries with a susceptibility to yellow fever outbreaks tend to be very particular about vaccination cards for the disease for those entering and leaving the country and many other countries are pretty vigilant about persons who have traveled in an area where yellow fever has an active presence. This may have no impact on me or it could make immigration and customs inspections a bit more cumbersome.
I am a pretty nervous overseas traveler and would appreciate any prayers on my behalf for smooth safe travel with no difficulties with customs. Inspection coming into African countries tends to be routine. That is what I am asking for you to pray for. It's difficult for this novice traveler to deal with routine after the lengthy plane trip. Thanks so much!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Getting Ready

About an hour ago I started a list of things to buy or find in the next four days. Four days from now I will be on a plane bound ultimately for Addis Ababa Ethiopia. From there I will travel to Mojo to spend two months at a Rafiki Children's home.
While there I will teach, tutor, complete office work, lead crafts, games and activities, and I hope read lots of stories to eager young people. This is an opportunity for adventure and broader horizons but it's also a chance to see this mission first hand and see how they work.
At this point Ted and I have considered going to Africa long term this is a step for me to assess God's calling on my life and my ability to handle life in another culture where my roll will be as a caretaker to needy people in a unfamiliar setting for me.
You can check out the Rafiki organization at
or as rafiki foundation on facebook
If you are on facebook and want to see the Ethiopian village in particular Ritter's, one of the long term staff couples there have a facebook page under Ritter Rafiki Village Ethiopia.
I will be trying to post a couple times a week with some stories and adventure while I am there. Not sure how much bandwidth I will have available but I plan to make the best use of what I can get!
Sooooo back to packing.
Lori Smith