Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Yellow Fever

This morning I received an email regarding a travel alert about a yellow fever outbreak in the South Omo area of Ethiopia. Yellow Fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitos and as I have received the vaccination I should be immune. However this news does raise travel concerns in my mind.
Countries with a susceptibility to yellow fever outbreaks tend to be very particular about vaccination cards for the disease for those entering and leaving the country and many other countries are pretty vigilant about persons who have traveled in an area where yellow fever has an active presence. This may have no impact on me or it could make immigration and customs inspections a bit more cumbersome.
I am a pretty nervous overseas traveler and would appreciate any prayers on my behalf for smooth safe travel with no difficulties with customs. Inspection coming into African countries tends to be routine. That is what I am asking for you to pray for. It's difficult for this novice traveler to deal with routine after the lengthy plane trip. Thanks so much!


  1. I wouldn't be overly concerned...when we arrived in different parts of Africa we found there was a separate desk or booth where everyone had to queue to have their vaccination book checked.
    I'll certainly be remembering you in prayer.

  2. Thanks. I am just hoping it isn't a hassle. I have long flights and I have everything in order. I am hoping that the whole process is more orderly than in Accra.
