Sunday, June 30, 2013

Church Experience

Since I have been here I have attended church each week.
For three weeks I have attended the Debre Zeyit International Christian Fellowship.
This is a group of believers that gather in a hall of some sort at a local Christian College.
They share teaching and worship leading responsibilities so it is varied.
Today we enjoyed keyboard and flute accompaniement for our worship and a black man with fairly good English preached on 1 Timothy 4 and the pursuit of godliness.
The first week I attended Ken Dulaney, one of the full time Rafiki Missionaries was the speaker and 2 weeks ago it was a man named Steadman who preached on Joshua chapter one and commissions from God.
I have had something to take home with me to ponder each week.
Today it was being a Monday Christian. Meaning not just seeking God Sunday morning but living that way through the week.
I hadn't heard the term Monday Christian before but it fits.
Last week was my adventure week.
I attended Meserit Christos with the children and mamas. The service there is 3 hours. Yes  I did say three hours all you time conscious efreers who might be reading this. 1 hour was music and what I can only gather was liturgy of some sort. Everything was in Amharic and the only words I understood were Jesu Christos and Hallelujah.
The preacher spoke for two hours. I am not sure what all went on in the service. 4 different people came forward at different times and apparently for different reasons. The 4th was to have an evil spirit cast out. Haven't seen that in the states. I didn't come home with any real teaching to ponder but with a lot of thoughts about the differences in culture and how Satan and the Holy Spirit work in different parts of the world.
I wont attend this church again but I am glad I went to experience it. I believe I saw people truly engaged in worshiping my God and savior. This is a good thing.

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