Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Learning Curve

There are many things to learn here. The Rafiki foundation has a few rules that are unfamiliar and hard for me. The children here are supposed to formally greet me when we have interaction. I am trying but they love the new person who is paying them much attention so it is hard. My novelty will wear off I imagine.
The children, mama's and teacher's have Ethiopian names which sound very foreign to my ND ears. They are hard to remember and it is hard for me to associate the right name with the right person. The little ones I am getting. The older ones are just a mystery and look so similar to each other right now. It doesn't help that the are several duplicates and 3 Abrahans. Hoping they all start to look unique soon.
The food so far has been very good. It is also very different except tonight we had fried fish and french fries. The salad that went with it was predressed and had sliced hot chilis in it. They have to fith the spice in somewhere I guess. Even the smaller children really enjoy spicy food. They don't eat dessert in this culture. That is something I just find hard to fathom. However for lunch today we had cream soup which was much like very thin sweet cream of wheat with grilled vegetables which didn't really seem to fit together. Also the green beans from the veggies were way spicy.
Also trying to learn my schedule and how to do everything apporpriatly.
All these things to learn seem a little overwhelming. However I am enjoying my time and I am sure things will fall into a bit more of a routine soon.

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