Sunday, May 25, 2014

First Impressions

So this is Africa. I am surprised by the variation fromone African country to another and by the sameness. Uganda feels a bit more exotic and more tropical than Ethopia. I am told there are monkeys right here in the village and that they are very naughty and steal garde produce. They have acquired a dog named Jack, because it is a Jack Russel terrier. I am eager to meet the dog and the monkeys and to see some crested cranes. They are the mational bird here.
The traffic in town was pretty horrendous. There are open markets. Spotted what seemed like a father and plucking a chicken next to the road with a kettle over an open fire. Cattle and chickens appear more plentiful than goats here and the cattle are pretty good looking. The area around the village appears less impoverished than some place. Homes were made of bricks and mortar. Not much for windows and doors but looked sturdy.
There are 102 resident children here plus 115 day students. Can't even imagine getting that manynames and faces together. Met two cottages of girls tonight. They mostly have somewhat Englishsounding names. We met 2 Flavia's, a Gloria, a Jen and an Ida. I am not sure about the others. These girls were grades 1 to 5. Very polite proper and well mannered. I expect that to be the norm but the depth and freindliness of conversation will change. They did ask about cold and snow which are pretty foriegn ideas to them.
The village grounds here are so gorgeous and with this many students there are mant buildings. Wow. The sidewalks have a stamped pattern and some spaces have names engraved. You can tell kids lives here.
After supperplaytime saw kids playing jumprope, netball, football aka soccer and basketball.
Tomorrow we will get a work schedule and play and meet more kids. Its a school holiday so a good time to get acquainted.

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