Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Monkeys and Girls

So there are many things we do daily. I tape and reinforce bindings on books, lead discussions on preschool art, tutor reading, and correct Early childhood Development worksheets. Of those things reading tutoring is the most fun!
Thought tonight I would write about some of the very fun things though.
I have spoken of the monkeys here that seem to be black faced vervets. They seem to mostly think they own this village. You see them in the gazebos, in trees around and just sitting on the sidewalk or wandering on a verandah. They scoot pretty quick when they see people so it surprises me they around so much because there are probably around 250 people here on weekdays but you catch them lurking here and there.
It has been a great desire of mine to photograph them. Sunday I was out and about before church and Carolyn Enis said there had been many around and they hadn't let Jack, the jack Russell terrier that is here specifically to control the monkeys, out yet. So I trotted back toward the brush and snuck around a corner and was able to get a number of photos of large and baby monkeys playing and sunning themselves. I was pleased and than Jack got to go and chase them.
We get out for church on Sundays and also got to do a little seeing of sights and shopping at the craft markets. This was a nice treat.
The highlight of being here though seems to be girls. Saturday we played cards with 5th grade girls. Anytime you have a chance to introduce the game of Old Maid to a new group of players there is a lot of fun to be had.
I also spent time with some of the Teen girls in the library. They helped with taping and mending books and talked about books and dreams and giggled. How fun that made an otherwise dreary task. Monday I had the chance to go up and teach all 20 of the older girls some origami. They really loved and did very well. They have cleaver fingers. I left more paper and instructions and Mama Anna reports that she had a hard time getting the girls to put their paper away and go to be Monday night. She hadn't been home for the lesson and would like me to teach her as well.
Tonight the girls we have spent the most time with presented me with multi colored woven palm book marks. So sweet. I have watched them weaving and weaving and weaving. It's a time consuming process.
2 more full days with these sweet young ones and than we have to pack and leave on Saturday. 3 weeks have flown by and I feel I am just getting the hang and flow of things and becoming more useful. I sure need to make the most of these last 2 days.

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