Saturday, June 7, 2014

One Saturday

Today is Saturday. We will be in Uganda just 7 more days. I am starting to know the routines amd recognise more of the faces and feeling like it soon time to leave. As today is Saturday its  more relaxed day. This morning the children were out doing chores. They have a nice place to live here and they are taught to care for it. Even the little little boys scrub the gazebo and their front porch.
They  had finished the gazebo and were waiting for their mama when I walked by. We did a round of this little piggy with each and sang the butterfly song and than I figured I better move on so I took myself to the storage cottage and worked on sewing.
Lunch today was pumpkin, beans, cabbage and chappati. Have heardmuch of these which seem like a thicker doughier flour tortilla. They are something you can by from street vendors in town I gather.
This afternoon I garnered the company of 5 teen girls and we taped spines andcorners on paper back books for a couple of hours. Makes the work go faster and a lot more fun. We talked about books they like and I am eager to find a way to get some of them here.
The we headed over to mama Grace'scottage as I had been acosted by a few girls this morning in thenicest way andasked about playing cards. SoonTed and Ieach had a circle of girls playing memory, crazy 8s, old maid and uno.eventually both circles got to all 4 games. It amazes me how much fun old maid canbethefirst time you ever play it.
The girls and some of the boys as well weave palms. Theygater palm fronds which have fallen, dry them in the sun, dye some bright colors, then they hand weave or braid them in strips up to about 3 inches wide. Laterthe strips are sewn together to make mats. I see girlsas young as 6 or 7 working on some of this weaving. Gloria who is p4 was teaching me about it today. She had a length of ftat braid about 2 inches wide and 10 or twelve feet long woven with 18 strands of palm natural color with a bright pink accent. They keep addin strands every pass back and forth accross the braid. Somehow as the go along their are no ends left sticking out. My clutzy figers didn't do too well at this.
Today was another day inthis area which seems quite like a tropical paradise. So fun to spend time with these delightful children who here are being given many opportunities that would beso very far beynd them without the ministry of Rafiki. These are children growing up in a wonderful home who migbt otherwise not even be aliveand for sure would not have much to look forward to in life.

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